Michelangelo and Papa Smurf

Well as I said, I was going to write the stories and memories from my perspective so here goes. This story is from my Junior year of high school where I was messed up on drugs and taking Spanish class.

To say that the day wasn’t any different would be saying that my life was ordinarily a drugged up adventure, so that day was really adventure time like I’d never really done before. I went into my second period class that day really feeling the effects of the cocktail that I had decided to take that day. Walking in, everything seemed the same, as we started going over the homework assignment in Spanish and having conversations about what had happened the day before. That’s when I noticed my brain becoming weird.

Looking around the classroom I started to see characters from my childhood sitting where my classmates had been only a few minutes before and not really understanding what was going on. It was weird having a Spanish conversation with Oracle from He-Man and looking at the other side of the room and seeing Lion-O and Snarf from the Thundercats. What made things even harder for me was when I turned to look where my teacher had been, only to see Papa Smurf trying to teach me how to change the verbs to make them how they are sposd to be.

I couldn’t stop laughing and noticed it was becoming a distraction and that is when Papa Smurf decided to tell me to go to the hall since I wasn’t taking the day seriously. I thought that was the end of it until I saw Michelangelo of the teenage mutant ninja turtles come out of the bathroom and try to talk to me like this was completely normal. I don’t remember how much longer this lasted but the bell suddenly rang and everything seemed to be back in order.